4 levels

From our personal experience, there are currently 4 levels of tools. We categorize them based on which part of the paper (or its metadata) that is searched, and the output they are able to provide: ranking, relation, data extraction
  1. Rank papers, based on word matching in title & keywords— Cible+, Scopus, PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct, Web of Science, etc
  1. Map network of citations— Connected Papers, Rabbit Research, Open Knowledge Map
  1. Provides summary, influence-in-literature metrics, and rank papers, based on abstract and paper — Semantic Scholar
  1. Extract & creates a table of information based on the AI-reading of the abstract and paper — Elicit
    1. Note that all methods use the title, keywords, and citation count. In most cases, we can’t explain the methods of each toos, either because they are not disclosed, (eg), or is too complex and beyond our scope.

Research Rabbit

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>200M+ (it accesses semantic scholar database)
independents, based on Microsoft Academic Graphs
Mapping of paper relations based on citation
Main Features
1. Maps all citing paper based on 1 or more paper seed
2. Promotes literature navigation via the visual interface. Allows traceback to the original query
3. Exploration of Authors and co-authors
4. Paper feed based on papers contained in your folders.
5. Zotero integration
Best for
All types of search (general, or specific)
Exploring the research landscape of a topic
Litterature monitoring
Rabbit research and alternatives offer a mapping of a paper’s landscape, based on citing literature
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OpenKnowledge Maps creates groups of concepts based on the top 100 results, of keyword search

Semantic Scholar

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from 30+ publishers
Natural Language Processing AI (GPT3-like)
Main Features
1. AI-Assisted Ranking → Method for ranking based on a larger parameter set
2. “TLDR, an extreme summarization of papers [source], only if the entire paper is available open-source
3. Influence in citing literature→ AI estimate of the importance of a paper in the literature citing it: ranks by most influenced
4. Citation intent → AI estimates the reason for citing a paper based on category: background, method, results.
5. Paper feed based on papers contained in your folders. Info
6. Semantic reader (beta)→ AI contextual definition of abbreviation and variables. Info
Best for
All types of search (general, or specific)
Litterature monitoring
Weighing the influence of paper in a field
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An AI ranks papers based on a series of parameters extracted from the paper metadata and the abstract (source)
An NLP-AI extracts a TDLR (20 words long)
“An alternative to abstracts, TLDRs of scientific papers leave out nonessential background or methodological details and capture the key important aspects of the paper, such as its main contributions”. [source]


>200M+ (it accesses semantic scholar database)
AI-based information extraction and summary from abstracts
Main Features
1. AI (GTP-3) interprets research questions expressed in natural language
2. AI extracts data and information from papers
3. “Take-out from the study” are generated
4. Information to be extracted is user-designed
5. AI brainstorms research question
6. provide possible critiques of paper based on citations in other papers
Best for
All types of search (general, or specific)
Quick and summarized response to a research question
A rapid overview, great for non-expert topic
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